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pure stupidity

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pure stupidity Empty pure stupidity

Post  Harness Sat May 03, 2008 1:20 am

i was surfing and came upon this like "news for grownups" site and this super moron guy posting how he thinks his kid is a super computer hacker cuz he spends time on the computer

and this one how he wont be sending his kids to collage cuz its some kinda non conformist insituition that brainwashes kids into hating their parents

this guy gets the Stamp of quailty failure
pure stupidity Epic_f10
Big Tuna
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pure stupidity Empty Re: pure stupidity

Post  PrezKennedy Sat May 03, 2008 10:59 am

my god the computer hacker thing is so freakin stupid, the signs are clearly the dumbest way of finding out if your a hacker, especially the quake one, i think we need to find this guy and beat the shit out of him for bein so stupid
Lazer Discs
Lazer Discs

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