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stupid people at work report

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stupid people at work report Empty stupid people at work report

Post  PrezKennedy Wed May 07, 2008 11:20 am

this can be for where we can talk about all the stupid people we deal with at work or random places that we go to

as you all know i now work at the save a lot, a lot of people i help are very very interesting,

one time when i was working on a person who was reaching a 200 dollar mark so i was pretty busy, there were two girls runnin around the store screamin "ive got chicken, ive got chicken". my super meanwhile was outside smokin, takin a break before we closed up for the night, so these two girls were askin, no screaming were was he, now i didnt really hear all of what she said, but the person that i was helpin said that they were callin me chicken man over and over again askin where my super was, but they left after a while and they threw the chicken down isle one all like bowling style, when my super came back in i asked if he saw are friendly guests, he said that he did and that they were yelling at him so he told them to get there asses out of the area and that they are never aloud to go there anymore, he was pissed when he came in to it was pretty funny his words were actually, "i told those f!@kers to never come here again"

this is my chicken man incident
Lazer Discs
Lazer Discs

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stupid people at work report Empty Re: stupid people at work report

Post  Harness Wed May 07, 2008 12:03 pm

wall o' text
Big Tuna
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stupid people at work report Empty Re: stupid people at work report

Post  PrezKennedy Wed May 07, 2008 12:13 pm

yes i know harness, you hate to read long things
Lazer Discs
Lazer Discs

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stupid people at work report Empty Re: stupid people at work report

Post  frankzilla Wed May 07, 2008 1:59 pm

bowling chicken... never thought of that before.

that is great that your super told them off though
Big Tuna
Big Tuna

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